Silver bullet award goes to...Walmart?
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Just got back frm a trek through Yale's e360 website, which covers all the ways we are devastating our world. Usually, dreadful environmental impacts are somewhere in the future--2080, 2050, etc. This site focuses on the here and now.
Images of toxins swirling through my bloodstream, ocean beds denuded of edible fishies, collapsing under 30 billion tons of plastic...
And Walmart is our current silver bullet.
Yeah, I know. Apparently, Walmart is going to require all products sold in their stores to have a sustainability guide on the packing--like a nutrition label for planet earth. AND, the corporation will only buy fish that's been sustainably, um, fished.
Some economists hope this will create a domino effect, with companies who don't even sell to Walmart creating comparable sustainable practices.
I hope this shames politicians into action. If even Walmart is getting on the bandwagon, what's the holdup?
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